I'm tired of trying to impress others.
I'm tired of my mom telling me to lose weight or my sister saying I'm not going anywhere in life.
I'm tired of wearing every face but mine.
I'm tired of this time bomb beneath my ribs that's bout to burst.
I'm tired of the expectations.
I'm tired of high school drama.(OMG LOL)
I'm tired of shaving.
I'm tired of not being able to trust friends, and having to rely on strangers.
I'm tired of waking up from a nap, and feeling like crap because of the nap.
I'm tired of writing for others, instead of myself.
I'm tired of bad drivers.
I'm tired of my cd player not working in my car.
I'm tired of my brother acting like a 4 year old, but getting praised like the perfect son.
I'm tired of my dad. (I thought about elaborating, but i think I'll spare you)
I'm tired of this thing called confidence that we're required to wear around at all times.
I'm tired of being "big boned." And I'm tired of working out.
I'm tired of the itch that I can't reach on my back, but am too scared to ask anyone for help.
I'm tired of teachers. I'm tired of homework. Papers. Crap like that.
I'm tired of image.
I'm tired of my ward. And I'm tired of being forced to go.
I'm tired of being a bounce back.
I'm tired of my migraines, and any other illnesses really.
I'm tired of only writing in lists, but it's the only way I can get my thoughts on paper.
I'm just really
"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f*** on." --Tupac Shakur